All my life I wanted a brother sister. (Yeah, I was a tomboy growing up.) I had step and half siblings, but I didn't live with any of them. When I was 10, my parents started a children's home. So I had kids in my house all the time, but they came and went. We still keep in touch with many of them. I am close to a few. But I always wanted that close relationship that could make you want to snap someone's neck off one moment and move mountains for them the next that siblings have. So what did I do? I married a man with two brothers and two sisters. I adore his siblings. I am envious of enjoy the closeness they have with each other. One of his sisters moved out here from Texas. I consider her MY sister.
One Thanksgiving many years ago after the prince and I were first married, we went to spend the week in Texas. We made the rounds seeing family and friends. We were able to spend time with the prince's brother, Bill at his new restaurant. He was so happy and full of life. He had reached his ultimate goal and was doing very well. Bill was on top of the world. Less than two weeks later my prince got the most devastating call he had ever taken. Bill was gone. Just like that. Ripped from our lives....leaving behind a wife and a three year old son. He was 28 years old....
Having a young loved one ripped from your life like that is horribly devastating. Though the daily pain of Bill's loss has dulled, I still cry for him from time to time.
Daffy from Batcrap Crazy is dealing with the loss her sister. Just a few days ago she was tweeting funnies from the hospital with her sis. I was thinking how awesome she was to keep her sister's spirits up by finding humor in the ridiculousness that they were seeing all around. That kind of love and support is vital when dealing with situations like this. I am now thinking about how fortunate they were to have each other. Even though the pain is enormous right now....
At some point way down the line when Daffy thinks of her sister, she will not cry. She will laugh and smile and focus on all the fun times. I wish I could wave a magic wand and get her to that point sooner. But then again, you cannot ever truly appreciate joy and happiness without pain and sadness.
Please go show Daffy your love and support. You have no idea how much your thoughtful words mean.
And please consider the gift of organ donation. One loss can spare so many other people of the same fate. It's a simple gift with extraordinary outcomes.