But then again, the rain provides and oppotunity for me to stay inside all day and read blogs edit photos shop online catch up on tivo get my laundry done.
If you like post it notes on Tuesdays....mosey on over to SupahMommy's blog and find out how to do them. Or click on the other bloggers who have linked up on Supah's page to see some other funny and highly philosophical post it notes.
And don't forget about BleRApy !! We need more posts...and I KNOW you've got rants. Anything goes....unless it's super creepy or illegal. Plus it is completely anonymous.
The holiday season is amping up. I know you are already annoyed with at least one in-law. So go ahead....let it out....it's free........for now.
But Supah and I might need some Christmas cash soon. So do it before we start charging. *wink wink*

I got no love for that stupid alarm clock either.
No love for the alarm clock either! Love your post its.
The muffin top is hilarious!
My diet seems to be playing coy, too. And I have no love for the alarm clock, either.
Great Post It's! :)
I'm not able to find my diet either! And I don't like my alarm clock.
Rain=laundry being done? Bummer, I missed that memo.
I, too, have no love for my alarm clock. But the snooze button is my BFF!!
Gretchen & Slade aren't dating????
I used to watch the Housewives all the time. The original season with the OC housewives. I miss Bravo. I also have no love for the alarm.
LOL @ uploading to youtube. Did you put the little dancing neighbor up there?
My muffin top needs to take a hike as well.
I hate alarm clocks. The ignore button is awesome. Alarm Clock = Phone.
My diet ran off to Cabo with my mojo. Damn bee-yotches.
I have missed the new season of the Housewives so far.....Slade and Gretchen....crazy!!!
Oh, did the new OC Housewives start?? Can't wait to see it!!!
And I hate my alarm clock too.... let's throw them all out the window!!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the VEGGIE CrUnChErs from Costco too!!!!!!
anything with hummus is num num;) house wifes..LOVE them
I am in the middle of a fight with my alarm clock too! It totally started it though...
Okay, tell me what these veggie things are from Costco that you're crunching on---I love my Costco hummus and baby carrots are getting boring with it...
p.s. LOVE the note about the muffin top! So funny!
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