You. Are. Welcome.
But for the time being...I have something I need to express real quick.
Is anyone else utterly and completely annoyed by this couple?!
Rachel may be the single most annoying Big Brother contestant ever. And possibly the most annoying person on reality TV ever. She has played Brendan like a fool using her boobs emotional manipulation to turn him into an idiot. I'm sure his mom is sooooo happy about his relationship with Rachel. It's really hard to believe these two are actual scientists. The fact that they are annoying me more than the Jersey boy who calls himself "Meow Meow" says a lot....
I wish I could be in the room watching Brendan when the show is over and he sees all the things Rachel is saying about him behind his back. Or with Rachel, Brittney, and Monet when they are all talking smack about each other. This season definitely deserves the catty girls award. The only good thing about this season was seeing Jeff and Jordan host the POV contest.
Maybe it's ME that needs to get a life..... <--no comments from the peanut gallery please!

I think Tenley (yeah, I watch that trash called Bachelor/Bachelorette/Bachelor Pad)might give Rachel a run for her money.
Wonder what would happen if both of them were in a room together...
I can't fucking stand Rachel. She's an idiot. If Brendon gets kicked off because of her, I'm heading to Vegas the week after she gets kicked off and kicking her ass. Wanna join? As far as Brendon, I would love for him to reattach his balls. He's an embarrassment to California and anyone with testosterone for that matter. I mean, I knew guys were dumb and all, but geez. He takes the proverbial cake.
Yay! More posts to come? Double Yay!
You said just what I wanted to say...she rubs me the wrong way!
I don't watch Big Brother. <--don't judge. I have a life. Sorta. boys start on Monday too! I will be glad when urrybody gets back to blogging. The sphere has been desolation lately and I need some inspiration. <---i feel better about myself reading the travesties that happen to others. ;D
Okay, seriously, I could not have said it better than Meeko.
I hate hate hate her. And the worst part is that since so many people hate her, she will probably be like a bb allstart or get her own show or something. And that cackle. Seriously? And does she have any idea how stupid she looks when she sticks her lips out
Oh yeah, Rachel is annoying as heck. I hate how she laughs/cries...basically everything she does causes me to wince.
I think Rachel's voice is soooo annoying. I don't get the attraction.
I, who is no where near the Big Brother house, was embarrassed at how Rachel was acting to Kathy last night. And I'm repeatedly embarrassed for Brendon at his lack of.. well, male organs.
I've been rooting for them because it is my habit to root for the people who are destined to lose but I won't be too sad to stop watching all those embarrassing moments.
I'm not watching it but they look like a douche awarded couple!
I may quit watching BB because of Rachel. She is seriously whackadoodles. And so annoying.
And he's a pussbag. God, he could have been such a catch for someone. He's really hot, and obviously a good guy, that got pussywhipped by a crackwhore.
I don't watch shows like this.
I can not stand the stupid people and contrived drama.
Exact same reason I don't watch the news.
I don't watch shows like this.
I can not stand the stupid people and contrived drama.
Exact same reason I don't watch the news.
hahaha I love Rachel and Brendon!
I have never actually watched this show before (please don't throw things!)
....but I have missed you while you were blog-slacking!
They're so not scientists. Producers made that crap up for ratings. You know, like a sexy librarian thing.
I can say I have no life and am slowly making my way around the blogosphere.
Can't say I am annoyed by that couple since I have never watched that show. My BFF sounds addicted to it. I turned off my cable 2 years ago and don't even care to watch those lame shows! Is it a "reality" show? Are they "real" scientists?
I am sooooo over them both. Brenden is a total wuss and Rachel needs to be punched in her botoxed lips.
and the EXTENSIONS! Have mercy!
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