Look at my new digs!!!!
My friend Amber from Amber's Life made me a new header!
AND she gave me a tiara and pink boa!!
*beaming from ear to ear*
It wouldn't fit on my original blog format, so I changed it to another template.
I love my new pink palace!!!
Wait....that sounds like a strip club.....
I love my new pink castle!!!!
Again, strip club.....
You get the drift though, right?
Amber was so nice to do this for me. I'm guessing it was her nice way of saying "Your blog looks like a dungeon...let's spruce it up."
Ironically, Supah said the same exact thing to me....over and over...and over...except she left out the nice....
Ya'll go check out Amber's Life....
And after you do that, go support my soon-to-be hottie friends in their battle of the bulge.
They are going to rock their brazillian bikinis when we go on our trip next summer!! Right girls?

love the new digs! This is more you!
Love the new look!
Very cool. Amber is talented. I'm off to check her out.
beautiful:) sassy, like you...
...but I miss your sweet face! Your real face!
Very cute!!!! Looks awesome and cupcake-y lol.
OMG, Princess! I can comment from my work computer with this new set-up.
Loooook out!
Love the new look!
Looks much better Kim. Now I don't have seizures reading your blog.
Riiiiiiight Bryce....cuz your blog is so visually appealing.....
Check mate.
She did a great job! I stopped by here last night and I thought I commented but it's probably still sitting in little box on the bottom of my screen on my home computer!
Why do I have visions of Pepto Bismol?!
So cute! LOVE the boa!!!! It's all the frills without those stupid molting feathers all over the place
: )
LOve the digs. Love the blog too.
Gorgeous darling! Just like you.
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