The Prince and his band of merry men were thick as thieves in high school.
I love hanging out with them when we go to Texas.
They are warm and inviting and HILARIOUSLY funny.
To hear them recount their stories, they were the shizzle "back in the day."
Now, I would probably need a little confirmation from the girls that went to high school with them to be positive, but since they all played football in Texas, I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt.
Most of the prince's friends are married.
I love having the chance to get to know their wives.
Sometimes that it hard to do since we are usually so busy on our trips to town.
But since we had three days of wedding festivities, I had a chance to spend a lot of time with them.
And let me just say......
All the Prince's friends married TROPHY WIVES!!!!
You be the judge....
Exhibit A
Exhibit C
Exhibit D
I rest my case.

Um I so want you to give my number to either wife in the last pic...just incase they are ever not happily married...wowsa ;)
tropheys are
Def Trophy Wives! lol
Trophy wives are famous here in Texas. Didn't you know down here we are ALL trophy wives? That's how we are grown.
LOL That is hilarious. And I particularly liked Lee's comment. Too funny!!
I totally lost what I was going to say because I thought I was clicking on the comment box, but I clicked on an add and ended up on a Jamaican Dating website. LOL
Very pretty wives. They are some lucky guys.
Is that Eva's twin on the right in the last pic??
I have a t-shirt that says "Future Trophy Wife" on it. LoL!
I think you are the hawtess trophy wife of them all. you get my moto runnin
he he he...the comments are the best today. Especially chief's. Lee is right though...that is how they grow them out there in TX.
Chief and I would never make it. She has a no hug policy and I'm all touchy feely. LOL
anyday i'd hug you.
order up! I gots a new crush !
Isn't it funny that there are no "trophy husbands?" Lol!!!
You are all beautiful!
You are the biggest trophy of them all! Way to go, Hawt Mama!
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