So yesterday it was in the 60's here.
I was literally sweating while running errands.
It was glorious.
Today, however.....
I am preparing for an ice storm and possibly snow.
Yep. I am. Makes perfect sense right?
And a few years back our neighborhood was out of power for FIVE whole days.
My parents were in the dark for six.
That is something I will NOT suffer through again, God willing.
This time, our wonderful neighbor, who is also an electrician (or so he told us when he had his hands all over our wires) installed a "pig tail" to our breaker box. We'll be able to run our whole house on a generator....which my prince will bring home from work.
And just in case, I have fully charged all DSi's, laptops, cameras, portable dvd players, know, the important stuff.
I've stocked the fridge with roasts and makings for soups, stews, and chili.
I have hot chocolate on stand by.
I rented movies in case the satellite can't find a signal.
I bought extra bullets in case the internet goes out.
*insert fear stricken look*
We. are. ready.
So now I say....
Totally just kidding mother nature. I would be okay with a nice fluffy snow. But I really do not want another ice storm. Please forgive my false sense of preparedness and don't teach me a lesson. I swear I'm all talk!!!
In case you are in the path of the storm and you did not remember to run out and rent are a few short ones you might enjoy.
The first one is of a talented young man (3rd grade) who won a KISS t-shirt from Jaden's auction!
These boys (fifth grade) are personality plus! (Plus brains, plus athleticism, plus chick magnets...)
If you've been following me for a while, you'll remember Lil' Papi (1st grade). I am one of his groupies. (But in a totally non-creepy way, I swear.) *No officer, I have no idea why his parents took out a restraining order on me!
And last but not least, here are the teachers from my kid's school performing Thriller.
(I hope my boys don't get bad grades for me posting this!)