Me? I'm terrible at it. I can't pull anything over on him. And after a bad experience....I no longer try!
I met the prince when we were in college together. He played football...Offensive Tackle. He's a big, beefy dude.
I like me some big, beefy mens. (Makes me feel smaller and skinnier...always a plus.)
The prince threw me an awesome surprise party for my (first) 29th birthday. *ahem* I already told you to shut it earlier this week....
I was so touched that I really wanted to throw him a surprise party.
I called a trendy local restaurant that has an awesome loft area. It's an old brick building with lots of charm and character. Since the Prince's birthday is in September (right smack in the middle of football season), I had to plan the party for a Sunday.
Have I mentioned I live in the south?
Everything but church shuts down on Sundays here.
When the girl on the phone told me that most of the downtown restaurants were closed I panicked!
Strike one.
Please Lord don't make me throw him a party at Gatti Town!
She suggested a nearby place. She described it as a hip little establishment that had really good, eclectic appetizers and such. So I called. I was thrilled to hear they had an upstairs loft that I could reserve. We discussed their menu and it sounded interesting. I booked it.
That Sunday in September rolled around and of course I had to tell the prince at the last minute that he had to get dressed and ready for his surprise party. He was too tired and stubborn to go along with whatever lame story I was telling him.
I was forced to come clean.
Strike two.
We found a parking place and walked up to the dimly lit restaurant. As we crossed through the doorway, it took a few seconds for our eyes to adjust from the light outside to the darkness inside. But we could immediately feel the room screech to a halt and heads snap around.
We were in a gay bar.
Now please don't get me wrong. I have gay friends whom I love. So don't mistake this for a dis to them. But let's be honest here. My gays and my footballers (read: the prince's meathead buddies) don't typically make for a good mix.
And this was not your typical group of gays.
We're not talking the cutie pie gay dudes like Nate Berkus, Neil Patrick Harris or Anderson Cooper who could blend in.
More like Boy George or Adam Lambert who stick out like a pink poodle in a pack of rottweilers.
So picture this....
(Haha...this pic always cracks me up. NO...this is NOT the Prince or any of his friends!)
Hanging out with this.....

(Photo credit)
Can anyone say "AWKWARD"....for EVERYONE?
Well, except for the wives who got to watch their men sweat all night and refuse to go to the bathroom. (That was kind of fun.)
And actually, it turned out to be a great night. The food was good. And none of our men got hit on since, you know, our dudes weren't really their type and all.
*rolls eyes at straight guys*
The prince and his buddies didn't act like a bunch of haters. (They are all really good guys.)
And, in my defense, let me just say......this is a party that everyone still never lets me live down talks about every time I see them!
So at least I throw memorable parties....
Speaking of which, I need to work on ideas for my son's 9th birthday.
He really likes chicken wings.
Has anyone been to a place called Hooters? Do they have a playground?

My nephew went to Hooters for his 2nd birthday....he got a shirt signed and everything.
Great place to party. They've got great breast and thigh....CHICKEN I'm TALKIN CHICKEN
That is too funny!Seriously makes me LAUGH! My husband used to play center while we were in college so I completely know what you mean when you say the "lineman crowd" doesn't mingle well with the "Neil Patrick Harris."
I'm so glad everyone was good about it! I would have laughed my ass off if I had been to that party. That is priceless!!
Hahaha. Hooters for your son. That would be great. He'd be the most popular 9 year old (at least in the eyes of their dads!!)
LMAO over Hooters. That was going to be my suggestion!! You could get mommy of the year with it.
Ummmm... Hooters.... well they do have good wings.
Talk about a rainbow connection! You should have been awarded style points!
As the father of a 10yr old boy, I can tell you that a trip to Hooters would be a dream come true for your little guy.
They are starting early nowadays.
I don't think they have a playground, but they do have a Bounce Zone. ahhaha
I'd say you surprised the prince pretty good! I'm sure he wasn't planning on hanging out with the flamboyantly gay for his birthday, so good job!
Ooooooooooooooooo!!! That is a GOOD story!! I bet that was hubs most memorable birthday party! As for Hooters - reply back to my message and I'll show you what happens when a mom takes her 7 year old there for her (yes, it was her daughter) birthday party playground, but they do have pool tables!! And I've got a shot of the cake too (complete with nipples)!!
At least everyone will always remember that party! LOL
I always find Hooters slightly disappointing when MINE are bigger than the server's.
To bad there isn't any gay bars where I live. I would totally throw my hubby a party at one.
The Hooters up here closed due to lack of interest. The Hooter girls weren't very Hooterish.
I'm sure your son would vote yes though on the Hooters trip!
Wow! That was a memorable birthday. I'm still cracking up.
That's a great story Princess! U throw some mean parties! :) I wanna come next time! haha.
Hooters- it's ok! But it should be called "Booties" none of those girls have the rack, but they got the trunk!
You always give them something to talk about, don't you?? If you have his party at Hooters, my boys will totally be there. The youngest is a boob man from way back.
I LOVE this. Hubs wouldn't have walked through the door. He would have freaked out completely.
That is Hilarious! At least it ended well
Wow...that is classic.
This is something I would have done.
Totally honest mistake gone horribly wrong.
I've always been interested in the wings at Hooters. My husband claims that they're good but I'm assuming he's talking about all the breasts, not the food.
LOL before I throw my husband any party's I am going to make sure the place I have it at isn't a gay bar!
LOL! That is too funny. Sounds like all the mistakes I would make...I'm not good with surprises either.
Anderson Cooper is gay?
I love Anderson...and I didn't know he lived an "alternative" lifestyle. No wonder he is single..but oh so cute!
I am also stopping by to see who my competition is for the Survivor game...cute blog. I am just a newbie but am having fun. Stop in and say hi. (I am your newest follower)!
lol I love hooters!
haha..! Hubby loves the *ahem* wings at Hooters!
hahahaha! I can picture the football types standing there with their jaws on the! The fact that the party was a hit anyhow is great kudos to you and your friends! GREAT story!!
Ok, since I had lived a sheltered life with the Princess in a lil ole small town, I hadn't ever been to Hooters til two years ago...and yes, I took the boys. After we get seated and baby boy (then 9 years old) looks around, he says, "Mom, this is the best restaurant ever!" Enuff said...
And btw, the bf asked me after Christmas, "Don't you have any friends with husbands that actually PLAYED football??" Its time to party! :)
Great story~
Duke would've ran like a girl all the way to car
Hooters is kid-friendly. At least for the waitresses as most seem to be preggo these days . . .
You Cracka Me Up!!
OMG! We still had a ball in that gay bar! You forgot to mention the pictures of all the nude men hanging on the wall behind us! Princess, you do throw an unforgettable party!
Your son would think you were the BEST mom in the whole wide least for that day!
they wouldn't go to the bathroom
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