Sometimes I spew with the intent to make you laugh and feed my ego by telling me how hilarious I am.
Sometimes I do it as therapy.
Through blogging, I have made some good stalkers friends. The mommy blogging community is very supportive.
We do things like kick cancer's a$$ and fight big corporations. We give encouragement to friends who are hurting and need to hear kind words. It's awesome.
I have a blog friend who has asked for my help. There is no way I could ever deny her especially since she lives near my brother in law and will surely cut me up into little pieces and throw me into the river the next time I visit.
Please click on the link below to see a post by JennFabulous.
Ok...that's not her real name.
But it should be.
And if you can help or know someone who would be willing, please do so. If you are one of my local friends, feel free to talk to me directly about this.
click this link
If you've ever been involved with anyone who has gone through this horrible disorder, you know how devastating it can be and how helpless their family members feel. This is one of the ways we can help this family begin to heal. You don't have to actually know people to help them. All you have to do is open up your heart.
Oh, and if anyone has access to a plane or know someone who does, please go here to read about this desperate plight.
Haiti Needs Help
Pick one. Or pick both. Either way...stop talking about how awful situations are and start doing something. Even if it's just a text to donate $10 from your phone.
Let's remind everyone that Americans are awesome people...

Going to go and click, and you are an awesome friend!!
Props to you Princess!
I will check those out!
Have a great weekend!
Definitely props to you!
Thank you for being a great friend. You're right though...You would have been found in a million little pieces in the Never. I thank you times a ton and a half, love!
Great post. Yay you!
I wish I had a plane. On my way to Jenn's blog!
So true, you don't have to actually "know" someone IRL to help them.
You have a kind heart.
I will visit for sure.
Good post. :) Checking it out.
Eating disorders are terrible - I'm happy to hear that you girls are trying to raise awareness - I have been helping my mother with Anorexia - she's finally doing great - getting some meat on her bones - but I see her starting to spiral back in the belly of the beast - she's always talking about her weight againt and how shes a size 6 and shes never been that heavy - it's horrible. She looks GREAT, but she just doesnt see the same person I do.
For Haiti - I work for a cellphone company - and every customer that I have interacted with the past 2 days I have told them about 90999 to put the $10 on their bill - I've gotten 64 people + myself to do it thus far - that's $650! I know it's not alot but it's a start!
Great post girl!
P.O.S. is doing Humanitarian posts.
How unlike you.
Great post! The Haiti tragedy is extremely sad! I so feel for those poor people.
I have something for you on my blog if you want it. Go check it out!
Just wanted to let you know that I tagged you on my blog!
well said, you sarcastic thing you..!
Having been there myself, I appreciate that more than you know!
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