Don't forget to join in with Chief tomorrow...you are a loser if you don't.
And check back Thursday to see if I posted the story of when I threw my big, beefy hubby a surprise party at a gay bar. Yep, you guessed it. I got the Wife of the Year award...except not.

I LOVE Big Love although I cancelled my HBO a couple months ago so now I have to wait until it comes out on DVD...boohooo :(
I was hooked on Big Love. It seriously became my one hour of peace. No one would disturb me, but alas I don't have HBO anymore. Actually I don't have cable or satellite either.
OH I hate noises but I live in the country now and have a dog as big as a small pony inside, he tends to scare whatever is outside mouch more then it scares me now lol..
I'd totally give her both! I've never seen Big Love. Though thats because we only have basic cable. :( and no dvr either. Dad won't let us. Totally sucks!
Bo and Hope are so annoying! I hardly ever even watch Days anymore cause they iritate me to no end!
You should smack the mean basketball mom!! Poor kid. I feel bad for him.
I can't believe the lady at BB practice. That's awful! You should have bitch slapped her!
Big Love it's back!! I almost missed it thank goodness for Tivo!! Tivo is my Prince.
What's wrong with the lady at practice calling her kids that? Maybe that's their nicknames.
Like my boys.....I call one "Tard" and the other "Retard".
Retard because he's the younger one.
Wait a minute, there's a prince name Big Love??? Where's he been hiding?
I think both for the lady at practice. Serious therapy and finger needed.
Happy Post It Note Tuesday! Thanks for sharing yours; here’s mine: http://ow.ly/VzL5
Too funny!! It is hard to get it together when you are disappearing, dying every other day or have amnesia! LOL
Seriously? That mom said that to her kid? I think I would have cried.
I can't wait for the story about your hubby's surprise birthday party!
Cut.It.Out...remember Full House? I totally did that hand thing when I read that...
The things you make me do. Geez. Thankfully I'm in my office alone right now.
That mom at practice...what the hell? I would have slapped her!
The weathermen here said it's supposed to warm up the next few days. If they're lying, I'm gonna hunt them down and slap every last one!
Oh how I love days of our lives!!!! I feel like I already know what is going to happen though...Bo & Hope break-up...and Sammy steals a baby!
No kddding about the scary noises! Hubs is out of town right now and I kept hearing all kinds of crazy thngs and remembering that someone could just come smash our sliding glass doors, since it's not like anyone else is around to hear it.
I love what you'd do with the laundry if you won the lottery.
I wish someone would call their kid a retard in front of me.
The ninja in me can't even fully divulge all the things I'd do to them, and so fast it would make her kid better at basketball.
wow people are just plain jerks sometimes.
are you really a therapist? IO may need your number!
I would have hit that mother up side the head. Who says that to their kids!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
HAHAHA I absolutely loved the Big Love note. I haven't watched that in forevah but I need to catch up!!
Okay the mommy at practice needs to bring it down several notches. I am pretty sure I would have had to say something. I just can't keep my mouth shut. What a frickin terrible parent!
-->I hear you on the laundry.... I think my husband wears things just so I have to wash them.
Whats up with the lady at the Bball game? Geez.... Love your post it's, I wish I didn't have to do laundry too.
What is the deal with the basketball game lady...someone really does need to slap her.
Big Love. I missed it. Sad.
OMG re: scary noises! My house creaked last night and it scared the poo out of me!!!
I need to start watching Big Love again. I watched season 1&2, but then got too busy. Enjoy this season! Thanks for stopping by!
I love the one about the mother and her son.
Sounds like they may need a little help...soon.
You really threw your hubby a party at a gay bar? Priceless!
Oh my gosh! Are Bo and Hope still going at it? I remember watching Days when I was in high school (about 10-12 years ago). I used to work in the library right when Days was on, and they had a TV in the back. The librarian and I would sit in the back and watch TV. It was sooo much fun! I remember Justin and Carrie trying to save their love despite all the stuff Sami and Lucas kept coming up with to separate them.
Big Love...HBO...not the Prince...LMAO!!!
ugh, I always hear EVERYTHING when I am alone.
Did no body stink eye the bitch yelling at her kid?
for the love of Chrysler!
and Im inventing paper, disposable clothing
Can I throw a shoe at the Mom yelling at her kids? Or maybe just a call to child protective services? What a HAG! Anyways - great post-its! :)
OMG! Hubby told me on Saturday that we just HAD to get HBO back because Big Love was coming back! Thank goodness! I love this show! And I am SO glad the Prophet is dead...how funny that his main squeeze froze him in the meat freezer!!
I have season 2 big love on dvd to catch up on. :) woooo hoooo
can't wait.. then maybe by the time im done... 3 will be available.
I'd pass out cards for therapy to all the parents who are over the top critics on the field...they need help!
1) NO WAY to that parent. Icky, ick ick
2) I am SO GLAD that the Ax Murderer, whom I live in fear of, is bumping around at night in your town instead of mine.
Haha! Love the post its :)
Now following you :)
haha - great posties!!!
I'm with ya on the scary noises! and it drives me CRAZY because once you hear one... the rest of the night is SHOT. I hear noises all night after that..
wow...I would have tasered that bitch into the next dimension...
People like that lady are the reason I'm thankful my kids gave up on sports. My town is full of them.
Thanks for reminding me that I need to gather up laundry and start it. I hate it when parents yell at their kids while playing sports. Can't they just enjoy the game and the fact that their kids are enjoying the game?
I loved Bo and Hope!! I can't believe they are still on that show.
Meanwhile, I would have totally given that woman an evil glare. Because I lack cajones to do anything else. But seriously, what a B. Total loser! I feel sorry for her son. You should have handed her your card! That would have been smooth!
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