I was in the grocery store the other day lingering around the bakery smelling all the sugar checking out the fresh produce near the bakery when I overheard the sweetest thing ever.
Bakery Lady: "What do you want me to put on it?"
Note: I am standing nearby being nosy observant.
Keeper: "Oh, I'm not sure. My baby just got her first tooth and I wanted to get my wife a cake because she's all excited."
Ok now, feel free to go ahead and start getting all misty eyed and thinking gushy thoughts. Except for the one or two guys who openly read my blog....you can just shut it. We don't need anyone raining on our estrogen parade...except that I live for comments...so go ahead...I'll just act like I'm mad at you. ;)
Me: "Oh my gosh, that is soooo sweet! You are a keeper for sure!!"
Bakery Ladies: (all of them) *gushing profusely over keeper*
Keeper: (Standing there puffing his chest out like a turkey...or is it a peacock...or a penguin? I can't remember.) "Maybe we should put 'Got teeth?' on it."
Estrogen: "Ahhhh....perfect!"
How awesome is this man? I mean really!
....is he a playah...
....using cakes all over town to woo and pick up bakery ladies?
(Those hairnets and aprons are very sexy you know.)
Whew, I almost fell for it too!
Thank goodness I am a happily married princess who has a keeper too...

aawww..! You both look great!
That is a keeper all right!! What a sweet man!
Mine's a keeper too. :) He drove me in the rain last night so he could put air in my tires. Cause I'm a princess too. ;)
lol that was thoughtful & sweet
What kind of whack job gets cakes for first teeth? Did they celebrate the first wet diaper too? I would have made fun of him.
sweet for sure...
love the pic of you and your hubby!
Aww you and your hubby are the cutest damn couple!!!
Love seeing a picture of the two of you!!
you two are so cute, and yes that guy was obviously dealing with a wife calling him at work with all the details of the day.
You two are so cute!
AWE That is cute.
Great pic!
Love the picture of you and the hubby! You guys are gushing adorable-ness!
If Duke woulda bought me a cake for the first tooth I woulda laughed my ass off. seems a bit too mush, mush for me! ( I woulda totally waited to start laughing until after I ate the cake thoug, I wouldn't want to talk with my mouth full)
I've been out in the countryside and seen a lot of one-toothed people that I don't believe got any cake...
That was sweet. Now if he will just stay on the road he's on now, she will be one lucky lady. Love the pic of you and hubby!
I think he was trying to pick up on the bakery lady!
Cute pic of you and your keeper!
OMG, I want a cake because Buster went all night without wedding his diaper (of course, he has yet to pee on the potty...but that's irrelevant).
Great picture of the two of you!!
Can you send Keeper to my town, I am thinking hubby needs lessons!
What a keeper. So glad that you have a keeper too. You too are gorgeous together.
every damn one of those KEEPERS is gone. KEPT.
but, theres somethin @ my blog for you anyway. humph.
Love the pic of you 2!
A cake for teeth? Hmmmm. Im thinking he must have screwed up major in the past and is still kissing ass to make up for it!
Now see...why would you need naked pictures ;)
cool pic.
The cake guy sound like a tard.
That's adorable! :) What a good guy - why won't mine do that?? Oh wells - I think I have a keeper as well. & U too look HAWT! great pic girl! Have a fantastical day!
His mind is set in "sex'n'cake" There are all kinds out there.
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So sweet! I have a keeper too.
If the guy was trying to pick up bakery women, he should buy the cake for his sister's baby...just sayin' :)
I really did get all misty-eyed! That is so cute! And I love the pic of you and your man at the end. My Hubs' bday is this weekend, I think I'm gonna have to come up with a post about him to honor the big day. I've got nuthin'.
That is so sick it makes me smile. Love it!! My hubs has done a few sweet things, but he is NOT a natural. Unless you count ass grabbing as a romantic gesture.
Yea yea...ordering a cake for his wife - it's cute and all. I once got the deli counter ladies all mushy by telling them I was ordering my wife a half pound of roast beef because she was excited about getting out of jury duty.
I know - just an old romantic am I.
Your Hubby's a Keeper! What a cute story!!
What a cute keeper!!!! MIne doesn't mind picking up a trinket or two for me from Home Depot from time to time!!! A new diverter nozzle to water with! Always thinking of me!
It's their 1st kid!
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