This blog is closed for the day due to the massive snow fall we received last night.
We hope to be able to open again on Monday provided weather conditions improve the flooding from my youngest son's sobbing subsides and we are able to travel safely again .
If you do not need to be on the roads today, please stay at home and email/tweet/facebook/text everyone you know about my awesome blog.
If you must travel, lay off the texting (unless you are texting someone about my blog) please use extreme caution.
If you forgot to run out and get bread and milk last night, you may have to survive on your stash of vodka Kool-aid and Spam.
We apologize for any boredom inconvenience you may experience as a result of our closing.

That was awesome! And do people really eat SPAM????? can have some of our snow if you really want it!!
I LOVE spam!
and I love this post, its awesome!
giggle giggle, ain't that the truth. My little guy is home sick today and wanted desperately to go to the library. I told him the snow would probably close the library and he laughed at me. "Books are inside the library"
Maybe you can make yourself a snowman,....... lol
Holy crap that's a lot of snow! Be careful!
Seriously tho, you want some? It's still coming down here.
That's not snow.
That's more like Frosty's dandruff.
I love Spam, but I can't take anymore in the can.
I'm sending you my feather duster so you can rid yourself of your massive snow accumulation. It's OK, don't worry about me and my 7 foot snow banks, I'll be fine.. I just want to make sure you are OK.
My thoughts are with you during this trying time....and for heaven's sake don't go out in that mess. Seriously. Safety first people.
Great post. Yesterdays post was funny too!
I love this!
Our schools were all delayed here- but just because it was going to be "cold." Yeah- it was 48 by lunchtime. Not as warm as I'd like, but it's ridiculous that school was delayed today.
Oh that's hilarious. Poor boy. I was practically crying on Christmas day when we had less snow than that in MICHIGAN.
HOLY GREAT GOODNESS! And you guys are still alive?! Thank GOD!
You got snow!! You stink! We were all prepared, made a trip to the grocery store & everything. And we got jack. But they still cancelled school. The roads might be icy.
That was hilarious! To cute! And if you would like some more snow - I got 8 inches last night! I'll pack some up and send in your direction! Enjoy your snow day! ;)
You must be in Georgia. I know they got a snow day in Atlanta for "flurries". Haha! Congratulations!
that was me snow plowing your walkway
with my breath.
Please be careful and stay off the roads. It looks very dangerous.
LMAO!!! Spam's the shit!! I remember eating that in college!! Keeps a lot of college kids from starving; that an maruchan noodle soups! =P
Sorry about the *s* word. =( It slipped.
Seriously? Seriously? Now I know your son would love some of my snow. You know the whole nothing to 14 inches overnight for the first snow of the ssn and then another couple inches about once a week since then. :)
Me too, me too! I love spam fried or on sandwiches with ketchup.
Hope it warms up soon!
I can totally see why the city would shut down. I hope you've survived the day :O)
You're so funny! I love reading your blog.
Love the post, but shouldn't you be able to blog more because you're stuck inside?
I did not think a Princess would dare eat SPAM... Vodka, Rum, and even Beer of course but not SPAM!
Do you want me to send you a snow plow (and a way-cute HotVan to operate it)?!!
We have a serious case of cabin fever over here and I'm ready for this shiz to MELT!!! UGH!
hehe... that is just great.. as a southerner I completely "get" this post!!!
I think you could just send them over to my blog. Then from my blog, to meeko's. After all, as a Minnesotan, I can handle snow. Smooches..
Hi Princess, I have a award for you over at my blog =)
Spam tastes like salty feet to me.
We got the same amount and the whole world shut down! Thank goodness we had wine.
giggle snort..
We get that much snow and they STILL make me go to work. The injustice! The inhumanity! The outrage.
Oh, wait. I usually tell them I am working from home. Nevermind.
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