To the you dude with the body by Budweiser and Hooters who was waxing his brand new Mercedes SUV outside his dilapidated mobile home....
What I said was....
Nice spinners.
What I meant to say was....
Are you kidding me?!
Since when does your car costing more than your house make you cool?
I understand that the ladies like a man with a nice car, but once you bring them home the jig is up!!
You're not fooling anyone.
How did you even get that car?!
Did you finance it?
Did you pay with drug money cash?
You might want to take a couple bucks and FIX THE HOLE IN THE ROOF!
Unless you think the ladies dig trailers with convertible tops...
But I'm going to let you in on a little secret......
We enjoy waking up nice and warm (and dry) in the mornings.
Your mom and dad must be so proud...
Actually, she's not.
I talked to her the other day and she thinks you are a loser too.
She's praying you don't get some girl pregnant.
She would prefer her grandchildren not grow up in a meth lab.
And I really don't think that's too much to ask!!!
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go drink pray that my kids don't end up like this....
Do you have something you'd like to get off your chest? If so, click on that tag up at the top and join in. I promise, you'll feel much better after you do.
*Disclaimer: I am not making fun of people who live in mobile homes. Just douchebags who have a $100,000 custom car and $15,000 piece of crap mobile home.*

You did say that you live in the south, right? Just kidding!! It happens up here too. LOL I never will understand the reasoning behind a super nice car and a craphole house.
I second that!!!! Maybe he can sleep in his car when the roof falls in!
Amen!!! It's like a phenomenon here in Dallas. The 30 thousand dollar millionaire, I think they call it. Hundreds of thousands of douche bags spend every cent they have on a jacked up douche bag car, but even afford to buy girl's drinks! (not that I am concerned with that.)
That happeneds alot in our Ghettos here in the Lou! But not in my neighborhood! My house DEF cost more than my car lol! That's to funny - and no - us classy & cute gals do NOT dig dudes in trailers. Poor guy - I think he needs to trade in his SUV for a new home! :)
Hilarious. :)
The jig is up! LMAO! We have people around here that pay more for their horses & stable, than their own home (well, trailer).
OMFG...you are WAY TOO FUNNY!!!!
Love the disclaimer...or the fact that you probabley HAD to have one...for all the other people who live in convertable mobile homes with $100,000 cars!
everytime we drive by a "manufactured community" I am always suprised to see that the majority of them have nicer cars then me...oh well atleast my kids won;t grow up in a meth lab
Living in a mobile home in my teen years, I KNOW exactly what you mean!!
Dont you just want to smack some sense into people sometimes?
so that was you driving by my mobile home yesterday...lol
Heh...I'd love to see this meme done after you've set in the parking lot where I work...or maybe just drive around the blog for a little bit with me.
The WHEEL (yes, I left that singluar for a reason) on 90% of the cars here cost more than the car itself. Makes no sense to me. You can polish a turd, dress it in a tutu, put it in Jimmy Choos and its STILL A TURD. Right? Right.
Thanks for the laugh
I'm with you on this one . . . PRIORITIES PEOPLE . . . Priorities.
OMG that is the freakin norm around here where I live! Its ridiculous! Your "trailer" is falling apart but your car is the shit man! woo hoo!
hahahaha love it. The trailer court is at the bottom of the hill as we drive into town, and they always have surprisingly nice rides.
I'd rather have a surprisingly warm house :)
Your disclaimer at the end had me cracking up!
I love it! what a dumbass. I wonder if he really thought that was cool
Wow. way to have priorities. LOL
LOL I love this.
No one seems to have priorities anymore in this world.
Well we have people driving Mercedes, Lexus and Jaguars who have there rent paid for by the state or gov't because they are so poor- RIGHT and my name is Martin Luther King. Great post once again!
LMAO @ least I know you weren't talking about me...our vehicles are pieces of crap compared to the home we live in, LOL
and nope, I really don't want to one up anyone on the biggest loser relatives, I'd rather ignore those relatives all together, LOL
LOL! I've seen some of that around here, too.
Here's another one for you. A kid I was seeing for therapy lives in a horrible run-down trailer. It looks like a meth lab exploded in it. But they have all brand new stainless steel appliances in their kitchen.
I'm assuming they were bought on the Nickel Down, Nickel When You Can Catch Me plan.
or the other way around
a piece of shit car with a "new tag" sticker in the back window
Im always like "did you actually just go buy that?"
I own a rectangle home.
That's what MnM calls it.
Thanks A LOT.
* snob
LOVE the disclaimer!!!
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Easily I agree but I contemplate the post should have more info then it has.
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