I have barely had time to return emails and you certainly have not seen me on Twitter. (Except for one quick blurb.) It's been THAT kind of day. And to top it off, the prince flew into Philadelphia for a big meeting in Delaware.
I hope you yankees aren't expecting one of those massive snowfalls like you've been getting lately. If the prince gets stranded before he's supposed to fly home tomorrow, I'll be on Twitter putting a tweet out to all you complete strangers BFF's to give him a warm bed and a home cooked meal preferably some good ol' fried chicken, black eyed peas, cornbread, sweet tea, and peach pie of some sort to make him feel at home. Ya'll would do that if I asked, right? You wouldn't make the prince stay in the airport all night? That would just be plum unneighborly...
But don't worry ya'll...I'll do my best to be back tomorrow with your regularly scheduled Post It Note Tuesdays hosted by one of my favorite bloggers in all of bloggy land *insert trumpets* SUPAH MOMMY. If ya'll aren't already following her you are idiots have obviously not happened upon her yet or you have language standards.
And don't forget this week's hot topic on....

This week on the "skew."
The Cheetah Woods Press Conference. Did you watch? What did you think? Do you think public figures should apologize publicly? Do you think it is sincere? What's your "skew." Write a post and link up on Thursday!

I noticed. Since you haven't responded to the secret email reminder. lol.
I noticed. Good to hear everything's ok. Don't worry about the prince. We're getting nothing but rain in the 'Burgh. Yuck!
Can he swim? LOL
The Prince will be fine....but will you??
SLACKER!! Just kidding!
Delaware?? Is there even anything in Delaware? LOL
I had wondered when I didn't see you in my reader for a day or so.
tsk! tsk! tsk! *shaking finger*
I did notice! Really. Cause you didnt say anything about the pic I put on my blog.......
If prince was in my neck of the woods I totally give him a place to sleep & I'd order some KFC with the fixin's but he'd get food poising if I actually attempted to make him food! Hope all is well and he doesnt get stuck in Delaware!!
SLACKER! :P Jk.....oh and that Skew topic...I think I'm all over that!!
Language standards.. lmaooo
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