It's Tuesday!
You know what that means.
All the cool kids are doing it...
You can join in and make your own post-its.
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And don't forget this week's hot topic on....

This week on the "skew."
The Cheetah Woods Press Conference. Did you watch? What did you think? Do you think public figures should apologize publicly? Do you think it is sincere? What's your "skew." Write a post and link up on Thursday!

This week on the "skew."
The Cheetah Woods Press Conference. Did you watch? What did you think? Do you think public figures should apologize publicly? Do you think it is sincere? What's your "skew." Write a post and link up on Thursday!

HOW in the heck...did you blog post date Tuesday but post tonight.. I've been ALL over trying to figure that out. -baffled blogger
This is only a reminder that I am not talking to you. lol. Until I get warm weather I don't wanna hear about it
Those boys are BUSY! I can't wait for Mister Monster to get that involved in sports!! Me = total soccer mom *minus the Mini Van* :)
I totally agree about the flip flops! I mean seriously - how can you leave the house w/o painting your nails?! Its just gross!
Ps. Im jealous of the nice weather!! Its warming up here in STL but not fast enough for me!
Well, we're still in heavy socks and snow boats here ... no thought to painting my toes or flip flops yet ... except in my dreams.
Wow, your sons are busy. They must be sports superstars! Sorry to hear about your sunburn.
Happy Post It Tuesday!
Wow that is crazy busy spoerts boys! I'm guilty of not painting my toenails with flip flops, please don't send me away! Happy Post it Note Tuesday!
Good grief, you're busy! Good luck!
I agree with the flip-flops. That should be a law. And you shouldn't be allowed to wear them if you have ugly feet, painted toe nails or not!
I feel you on the sunburn. Hope yours doesn't blister like mine did!
That's just with 2 boys? What am I going to do with my 3 someday? Lose my freaking mind, apparently.
The tubing sounds fun, though!
wow!! thats a lot of activities!! If i had extra "sanity" to lend you I would! lol
Try white whine with vanilla vodka in it will totally relax you!
Wow you should have like 6 kids not just two boys! They are super busy but that should keep them out of trouble!
For real! Basketball isn't over good b/4 baseball starts! At least we get a while till fball. That was some awesome weather we had! Flip-Flops & ugly toenails is a no-no!
I think I need a Valium just reading all you have to do.
Also, this makes my late night knitting and sewing seem ultra boring.
Thanks for the warning. I have two boys and they will eventually be doing sports. I'll save up for teh padded room.
And just because you can paint them still doesn't mean you should wear flip-flops! Cut those claws while you’re at it!!
I say we send it to congress ASAP!
How many sports seasons is it now. Did I miss something?
And what's wrong with Spam?
I'm trying to talk myself into trying it again. I know I had it as a kid.
Only 2 and you got all that going on?! Eek!
That sounds like my weeks! Except it's soccer, basketball, and Jazz Band right now (not including all the after school programs I have to pick them up from).
Yes, yes, I am a soccer mom in every sense of the phrase
Now that right there is a good reason to stop at 2 kids. LOL
I'm so jealous of your sunburn. School was closed here for the second day in a row.
That's a LOT of basketball. You may want to coach, so at least you get paid. Right? Good luck dearie!
LOL @ public announcement! That, and also don't forget to file down your dried heels!!
I am so glad I am alone. I'd hate someone to find me laughing at a computer like that. Donations of valium, vodka, and visitors made me burst out...and I'm close enough to the psych ward, myself. I'm telling you: thank God I am alone.
Another baseball mama here. Too bad they don't sell all your pharmaceutical needs at the baseball field snack shop
Another baseball mama here. Too bad they don't sell all your pharmaceutical needs at the baseball field snack shop
great post-its. thanks for stopping by my blog and for your comment. i agree with you and will not be monogramming my bag. i also agree with you on the last two post-its. actually, i think i will talk to my local representatives about getting a law like that passed. it benefits everyone really. i am following your blog and will look for you on twitter. take care.
You know, once upon a time...I wanted to be a busy mommy. All I have now is preschool and swim lessons for the oldest. And I am tired. I bet that pisses you off, huh? lol!
I totally agree with the painted toes and flip flops part.
We don't wanna hear about a sunburn again.
You are one busy mom!
Try saying no. To something. Just once.
If you find any friends who will donate vodka and Valium to you let me know...they need to be my friends too!
Wow! That is a crazy busy sports schedule! Im sure when all my boys are old enough to play my schedule will look like that.
I never got those mums taxi signs until I had children, now I get it and am so happy that I am not alone in that feeling. Vodka? Can I join you?
we just got 25 inches of snow and it's still coming down so my flip flops are not even an option. Wishing they were though!
Since we're both Villains I think you should share your donations!!!
WTH is snow tubbing? :)
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