Wednesday, March 31, 2010

UPDATE! on the Prince Chaperoning Oldest Heir's Overnight Field Trip

Let it be known that this is the LAST field trip the prince will ever get to chaperone!!

Read the post before this one to find out what strike one is...

View the following picture to see strike two....

I don't think we even need a strike three!

*Please Lord don't let my baby be eaten by a snake!*

And this is NOT what I meant when I said take lots of pictures!!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What I Meant to Say - 10th Edition Royal Tears

My son is leaving to go on his very first overnight field trip bright and early in the morning. 
He's so excited. 
He's finally a big boy. *tear*
I am not going with him. *more tears*
No...not because I'm letting him go off to the big city by himself without a parent...(see, I'm not a helicopter parent.) <---lie, lie, lie...but I'm working on it.
Hmmm....maybe I'll use Chief's "What I Meant to Say" to tell the full story.

When my oldest heir said he wanted his daddy to chaperone his overnight field trip to my most favorite city in the south east...
What I said: "Oh, okay. You guys will have lots of fun. Do you want to take my camera?"
What I meant to say: "WHAT?! You don't want ME to chaperone you?!! I've suffered through every boring stinking field trip to the pumpkin patch, etc. and now that you are going somewhere I love with all my heart, you want your FATHER to go?! Who in the heck is going to take pictures? And by pictures, I mean of something other than your father's fat fingers! Bitter? No. I'm not bitter!" <---complete and utter lie
And then when my youngest heir cried himself to sleep because he would "have no one to play with"....
What I said: "Sure you will sweetheart. Mommy will be here. And you can invite your buddy "J" over to play both days."
What I meant to say: "WTH?! Am I not good enough to kick your tail play you in Uno? Oh, maybe I won't have time since I'll be boiling a few dozen eggs for the big Easter party I'm planning after the egg hunt in your class on Thursday. Yeah, poor you. No one will be home to pay attention to you AT ALL!!"
When did I become chopped liver?
Oh yeah, now I remember....

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Blogfia knocked over a delivery truck! Free laptop to a winner!!!

Remember the other day when I launched shoved down your throat my Blogfia button? 

Many of you are displaying it on your blogs since I threatened to whack you if you didn't out of your show of support. Well guys, I have your first job. 

A friend of mine (fellow blogger) is sad. Really sad. Her family is going through a hard time. 

As a therapist, I often encouraged people who were depressed, dealing with self esteem issues or struggling with other things (like perhaps narcissism) to focus on doing something to help others. If you do it enough, it can truly change how you feel about the world and yourself.

So here I am providing you an EASY, PEASY way to get that feel good feeling. And in the meantime, you can help relieve the pressure felt by a family in need. It's simple. If everyone who reads this post would give $5, it would make a huge difference. When my nephew was sick and we had to travel 4 hours away and pay for a hotel, it got really expensive....and not covered by insurance....another burden on top of dealing with his illness.


So please....if you can....give $5....or more if you feel so led.  You will also be given a chance to win a laptop! (Details in the link to Stephanie's story.) In the comment section, let her know that you are a member of the Blogfia.

If you feel so led, show your support on your blog. 

Grab the Blogfia button and write a post (or copy mine) to link up Stephanie's post. You can get the code for the Chip In for your blog as well.

You never know when you might need the help getting the word out about something that is near and dear to you....

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Yo Tweeps...How to get Twiffic Twaffic.2

This is all about following and meeting some new twitter friends.  It'll be fast, easy and in yo face.  So many people enjoyed it last time!
Image courtesy of  on August 20, 2009 by Dave Mott

Follow me by clicking the sign below.
Twitter Icon

DIRECTIONS: To play along and increase your twitter twaffic do the following: 

1.   Follow the first  5  Twitter Twaffic hosts listed on the linky.  Netiquette and courtesy!   They'll reciprocate your love on twitter!

2.  MAKE A BLOG POST LIKE I  am doing. Copy and Paste these directions. 

3.  Grab the YO Tweeps Twaffic Exchange Button pictured below. Put him in your post. (He's so cute. Put him on your sidebar too if you're that kinda girl. Netiquette... not a hairspray ;)  lol )

Encourage your readers to come to our page and grab the button too!

5.  Put  YOUR OWN  twitter icon / link on your blog post like I did. It should directly link to your TWITTER PROFILE.  (There are directions below if you need.)

6.  Now link up your Yo Tweeps post below in the linky!

7.  Visit some other #YOtweeps linkers on the list. 
8.  Follow them if you choose and shout out to them on twitter that you are following so they can instantly follow you if they're on. (Follow their blog as well if you're interested.) 

Example:   @personsname #yotweeps  I'm following!  

9. If someone follows you JUST reciprocate on twitter. It's that easy. Join in the fun and grab the code to paste the linky in your own site !

(You might have to actually type it in.) 

Spread the word.  WE'LL BE BACK every week TO DO THIS AGAIN! 

P.S. is AWESOME and makes this game of twitter SO MUCH EASIER and fun.

How to make a twitter ICON:  

FIND ONE...  that you like.  Download it and put your name on it with a site like photobucket, , photoshop, paint etc. Then upload  it to your blog post and link your twitter profile to it directly!    

I'm expecting this thing to spread so fast....the CDC will add it to their list of infectious diseases. So drink your orange juice and stock up on chicken soup. You might also want to get some twitterbiotics.

Now go............follow and be followed.  If you don't already have Twitter....join the party! We hazing.  AND NO SPAMMING! We will send the Blogfia after you if you do.

Link up with us and increase your twitter following. 
A wolf pack member will  be  going around  to make sure that everyone is linked properly!  If you are not we'll leave you a comment or shout out on twitter so that you can fix it!  We know this is a little confusing at first!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Supah's Survivor Challenge-HeeBeeJeeBee

This week for Supah's Survivor Island, Supah apparently hates us challenged us to let something crawl on us for 5 seconds.

WHAT?! Seriously?! Does she remember my previous trauma?!
You MUST read this post to understand how freaked out I am about this challenge.

I still have bonafide, serious PTSD. (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

I'm not even kidding. If the slightest thing (like a hair falling off my head) drops onto my arm and tickles me...


No joke...full out screaming, slapping, jumping out of my skin freaking out.

It doesn't matter if it's a moth or a tarantula.

Do you now see why I have been on the verge of vomiting 
all week anticipating this challenge?

Note to self: Kick Supah's a$$

So now, without further adieu...

Now to clarify...I fulfilled my obligations of this challenge. Here are Supah's rules:

Go and find the most EXOTIC BUG/ Slimy thing/ crustacean/ animal that you can get your hands on .
Let it crawl on your body for at least 5 seconds Video tape the event and Vlog it.
You can go outside and dig up an insect/ bug/ slimy thing/ crustacean thing or go to your local science museum or pet store. WE DONT' CARE where you get it from.
The BEST VLOG with and AUTHENTIC CREEPY heebeeGEEbee crawling on you for 5 seconds wins.
please count out loud
one one thousand
two one thousand
three one thousand
four one thousand
five one thousand
It must be ALIVE. LOL
We will pick a favorite HEEBEEGEEGEE VLOG.

So as you can see, "J" is indeed an authentic animal. He is creepy looking though also adorable at the same time in his spider costume. And he is certainly alive. He was on me for more than 5 seconds. I videoed it and vlogged it.
Yes, I found a loophole, but the important thing is that I COMPLETED the challenge.
AND I did not pee my pants....
Want to see other participant videos? Click HERE.

What I Meant to Say - 9th Edition We are Thick as Thieves

In yesterday's post it notes, I mentioned Meeko's post where a car salesman acted very ugly to him. If you don't read my posts everyday shame on you here is a link to it

What I said: That was NOT very nice. <---that’s a lie. I called him did everyone else who commented.
What I meant to say: Who do you think you are coming into the blogging world attacking one of our own? We are thick as thieves around here and we will eat you for lunch! Just call us the Blogfia. *I am copyrighting that one right don’t go stealing it. You may use it if you give me credit...and link me...and send me cash and presents. I prefer dark chocolate and will accept gift cards as well.*

You know...this got me thinking. shut up The blogging world is fierce. If you try to mess with one of our friends, we will band together and take you down. 

We truly are like a mafia....except we use written words instead of oozies. Our Blogfia© will take on cancer, big corporations, anonymous commenters, haters or anything else you throw our way. 

We bloggers tend to stick together against the world outside of our when the NY Times wrote an article about Mommy bloggers.  Or when Ebay tried to rescind their offer to waive charges for Jaden's auction. Anytime someone tries to leave a cowardly "anonymous" comment, they are usually ripped to shreds by the Blogfia. If you have a cause like this one, or this one, or this one....we will put your buttons on our blogs and your friends on our prayer lists. We will retweet your info and get the word out. We are truly thick as thieves.

You want in our Blogfia? It's real simple. 

You don't have to whack anyone. Sorry to disappoint. 

You don't have to knock over a bank or delivery truck. Though I could use the cash and free merchandise. 

You don't have to dress like anyone from New Jersey. Thank goodness, right? And no one is allowed to hate on me cuz you're from New Jersey. We catch enough crap down here in the south, so that means I get to make fun of someone else every once in a while, k? 

All you have to do is grab this button and display it on your blog. That will let everyone know you are a member of the Blogfia. And let it be a warning to anyone who tries to mess with you.....if they mess with you, the mess with your Blogfia family. Please use it wisely...for good...not evil.

Thanks to Amber who made this button for me on short notice. 
Check her out if you need buttons or other stuff. 

Disclaimer: I cannot be responsible for the content others choose to post when displaying the Blogfia button. If you are offended by their words, please go take it up with them. Not me. Thanks. 

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Post It Notes: Edition #18

If you don't know what this last post-it is referring to CLICK HERE.

Wanna meet tons of new people on Twitter? Come back Thursday for #YoTweeps Twaffic Exchange

Monday, March 22, 2010

Give him a tylenol and send him on....

My youngest heir was home from school the other day. Nothing no need to send flowers but feel free to bring me dinner. He ran a little fever the night before and woke up fine, but I was afraid he'd develop some horrible, awful symptoms that might include something in the  "projectile" family while at school. So I kept him home for observation. 
He was fine. 
Which meant he wanted me to play with him. 
All. Day. Long. 
And I had lots of internet shopping things to do around the house.
(Maybe I should have kept his brother out of school know...for entertainment just in case.)
I was fine with building legos, playing the Wii, and kicking his booty in Uno. <---total lie. He won everytime. *insert bad sport face*
But when he plopped down with a stack of books, I started praying school would let out soon so my oldest heir would be home.
Now don't go looking at me like I'm a bad mom. I used to read to him a lot. And now, he reads to me most of the time. He's quite a good little reader. But he pulled out the "I'm sick" card and insisted I read to him instead this time. Which, again, would normally be fine except for one thing.....they had just had Dr. Seuss week at school....which meant he had found all the books I had hidden a renewed love for the kooky doctor.
Oh dear Lord....

I am quite aware that Dr. Seuss was a literary genius. I, too, was a huge fan of his work when I was a kid. My very favorite book was Green Eggs and Ham. And the artwork was very clever as well. Dr. Seuss was strung out on some heavy duty psychedelic drugs certainly had an amazing imagination. 
However, I HATE, HATE, HATE reading his books as an adult. They are so long and wordy and make absolutely no sense....which makes them all the much harder to read. And that story about Oobleck.....I swear it took an hour to finish reading it. Probably because of all the extra words I threw in which made me have to go back and re-read the know...since Dr. Seuss's nonsense and my good sense (shut up) do not mix. He certainly had a language of his own....Seussbonics. 
So I have made a decision. I have decided to boycott reading Dr. Seuss out loud from now on....
I would not could not on a boat.
I will not, will not, with a goat.
I will not read it in the rain.
I will not read it on a train.
Not in the dark! Not in a tree!
Not in a car! You let me be!
I do not like it in a box.
I do not like it with a fox.
I will not read it in a house.
I do not like it with a mouse.
I will not read it here or there.
I will not read it ANYWHERE!
Unless one of my boys gets sick and bats their big sweet eyes and long eyelashes at me......

Disclaimer: The previous poem was based loosely verbatim on Green Eggs & Ham by Dr. Seuss.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Supah's Survivor Challenge-Scary Prank

You should know by now that I'm playing Supah's Survivor Game. Every week we are issued a new challenge. If we win, we get a ton of really cool prizes as well as immunity. If we lose, we are subject to being voted out of the game. That part is really no fun at all. It's hard to vote out people you like. I would never last on the real game. Of course I'm guessing that would be more because of the rain, cold, bug bites, and lack of sweets and diet coke.....
So this week's challenge was another video. We were to scare someone and get it on video. 
Who to scare? Hmmmmm.....
My prince? Heck no! It would never happen. He's too calm and cool in frightening situations. 
My parents? No way. They might put me on restriction like the old days. That would REALLY cramp my style.
My kids? Maybe. 
Lucy? Uhhhh, YEAH!!! She's a bit on the skittish side anyway...PLUS...she has bladder control issues since the birth of her babies. Added bonus...I have a key to her house. Yep, she's my perfect target.
Here's the setup: So I show up at Lucy's house the other day to sneak in on her. Her husband's truck was in the driveway. Shoot! I was worried that he would foil my plan. Of course what I SHOULD have been worried about was if he was home for a nooner! Luckily, he was behind closed doors with the stereo blasting while on the treadmill. See the rest for youself...

I was afraid to sound the air horn more than a split second when Moe was barking at me. He has NEVER barked at me before. (I guess he's not fond of my costume...I guess that proves he's not a gay dog.) I was kind of scared he might attack me if I blew the horn too long!
I really became quite addicted to scaring people and decided to do it to my kids too. The prince had my video camera so I had to use my cell phone to video it. Unfortunately, iMovie does not recognize video from my cell so I was unable to edit them. But don't didn't miss ANYTHING! 
Note to self: Don't try to punk your children while they are playing video games. They will COMPLETELY ignore you. 
They didn't even flinch when the air horn was going off. I, on the other hand, now need a hearing aid. (I wonder if they make them in pink....with bedazzles?
Want to see the other entries? Go HERE to watch husbands have panic attacks and roommates recreate paranormal activity.

The Skew - What was the question again?

This week's Episode of the SKEW!  With the Wolf Pack  Supahmommy, Chief, Princess of Sarcasm, JennFab and Mommy is in the Bathroom (who is AWOL this week due to moving and other lame excuses.)

Where we take email exchanges between the "Pack" and share them with the blogosphere!

Netiquette!  (It's not a hairspray!)

Chief @ Hiding from the Kids

Listen up wolfies:  freaking people are not following rules around here. But wait. am I the only one that thinks there are actually rules round this blog hoes phere?

Are there rules to follow in the blog world?

Supahmommy wrote:

Rules rules rules. 

I like to make them.. but I indeed break them. 

I say screw you ALL!  I'll do what I want when I want! 
* but dont' you all be going backdooring my meme's and using me like a 2 dollar whore to advertise something of your own: without playing my games. 

*  dont' dis my blog when it gets a facelift-  if you get a perm.. adn it looks like an afro on speed.. im goinna tell you it looks Annie Licious.. don't tell me you  hate it.  I'll hate you. 

*  Be supportive.  I try to support peoples idea by giving them a plug.  I can't play all the games on teh web.. but I try to support them. 

* don't get  all  " pissy petunia" if someone doens't get over to visit your blog -  

What else?  
I like rules.  It's fun.  ALL HAIL RULES !

OH SH*T!  I gotta 911 emergency here!  you are never going to believe this!
It's 1:00 pm... been at work for almost 6 hours... just went pee and when I looked down while sitting on the pot... I saw that I had one blue shoe (suede) and one patent leather shiny black shoe on!  WT HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?

Officially just pissed myself!  LMAO!

They are different heights as well.. didn't notice I was walking sideways
for 6 friggin' hours!

Princess of Sarcasm:

NOW who's the dumbass! LMAO


Y’all should be feeling sorry for me

I get dressed in the dark!  So I don’t wake up Duke

There are days I come with shirts on backwards/ inside out

One day I came to work with my slacks on backwards… the slanted pockets were on my ass


the first time i ran into a former play group of moms that i was uber involved in from there forward

i had my cardigan on inside farking out.  

the whole time.

dbd told me AS WE WERE LEAVING

first impressions;)

Jenn @ She Says

My dog is STILL LICKING THE RUG.  OMG.  What, almost a week later?  He just licks it and licks it...I have cleaned and lifted and adjusted that damn rug a gazillion times.  I don't get it.

My dog is wearing me out...


What is the Skew topic again?

So whats your take on Netiquette?

Or Wardrobe Malfunctions?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Twitter Twaffic Exchange with Yo! Tweeps

This is all about following and meeting some new twitter friends.  It'll be fast, easy and in yo face.  So many people enjoyed it last time!

Image courtesy of  on August 20, 2009 by Dave Mott

Follow me by clicking the sign below.
Twitter Icon


To play along and increase your twitter twaffic do the following:

1.   Follow the first  5  Twitter Twaffic hosts listed on  the linky.   Netiquette and courtesy!   They'll reciprocate your love on twitter!

2.  MAKE A BLOG POST LIKE I  am doing.   Copy and Paste these directions.

3.  Grab the YO Tweeps  Twaffic Exchange Button pictured below.   Put him in your post.

(He's so cute. Put him on your sidebar too if you're that kinda girl.  Netiquette... not a hairspray ;)  lol )

Encourage your readers to come to our page and grab the button too !

5.  Put  YOUR OWN  twitter icon / link on your blog post like I did. It should directly link to your TWITTER PROFILE.  ( there are directions below if you need)

6.  Now link up your post below in the linky!

7.  Visit some other #YOtweeps linkers on the list.

8.  Follow them if you choose and shout out to them on twitter  that you are following so they can instantly follow you if they're on. (Follow their blog as well if you're interested.)

@personsname #yotweeps  I'm following! 

9. If someone follows you JUST reciprocate on twitter.  It's that easy.

Join in the fun and grab the code to paste the linky in your own site !

(You might have to actually type it in. Or you can try the one at the bottom. Whatever works for you.)

Spread the word.  WE'LL BE BACK every week TO DO THIS AGAIN!

p.s. is AWESOME and makes this game of twitter SO MUCH EASIER and fun.

How to make a twitter ICON: 

*  here are some twitter icon sites  ( WHERE TO GET THE COOL TWITTER PICS)..

 FIND ONE...  that you like. 

Download it and put your name on it with a site like photobucket, , photoshop, paint etc.    

Then upload  it to your blog post and link your twitter profile to it directly!  

I'm expecting this thing to spread so fast....the CDC will add it to their list of infectious diseases. So drink your orange juice and stock up on chicken soup. You might also want to get some twitterbiotics.

Now go............follow and be followed. 

If you don't already have Twitter....join the party! We hazing. 

This THURSDAY on  :

NETIQUETTE:  it's not a hairspray.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)