In yesterday's post it notes, I mentioned Meeko's post where a car salesman acted very ugly to him. If you don't read my posts everyday shame on you here is a link to it.
What I said: That was NOT very nice. <---that’s a lie. I called him did everyone else who commented.
What I meant to say: Who do you think you are coming into the blogging world attacking one of our own? We are thick as thieves around here and we will eat you for lunch! Just call us the Blogfia. *I am copyrighting that one right don’t go stealing it. You may use it if you give me credit...and link me...and send me cash and presents. I prefer dark chocolate and will accept gift cards as well.*
You know...this got me thinking. shut up The blogging world is fierce. If you try to mess with one of our friends, we will band together and take you down.
We truly are like a mafia....except we use written words instead of oozies. Our Blogfia© will take on cancer, big corporations, anonymous commenters, haters or anything else you throw our way.
We bloggers tend to stick together against the world outside of our when the NY Times wrote an article about Mommy bloggers. Or when Ebay tried to rescind their offer to waive charges for Jaden's auction. Anytime someone tries to leave a cowardly "anonymous" comment, they are usually ripped to shreds by the Blogfia. If you have a cause like this one, or this one, or this one....we will put your buttons on our blogs and your friends on our prayer lists. We will retweet your info and get the word out. We are truly thick as thieves.
You want in our Blogfia? It's real simple.
You don't have to whack anyone. Sorry to disappoint.
You don't have to knock over a bank or delivery truck. Though I could use the cash and free merchandise.
You don't have to dress like anyone from New Jersey. Thank goodness, right? And no one is allowed to hate on me cuz you're from New Jersey. We catch enough crap down here in the south, so that means I get to make fun of someone else every once in a while, k?
All you have to do is grab this button and display it on your blog. That will let everyone know you are a member of the Blogfia. And let it be a warning to anyone who tries to mess with you.....if they mess with you, the mess with your Blogfia family. Please use it wisely...for good...not evil.
Thanks to Amber who made this button for me on short notice.
Check her out if you need buttons or other stuff.
Disclaimer: I cannot be responsible for the content others choose to post when displaying the Blogfia button. If you are offended by their words, please go take it up with them. Not me. Thanks.

HAHA I love it! I'm putting the button on my blog!
You KNOW I'm putting this on my blog. Thank you all so much. The overwhelming amount of support from all of you has been awesome. It's so great to know I have a great group of friends/family that's got my back! X's and O's. :)
OH MAH GAH! I loves it!
Oh yes I am so going to put this on my blog! You are right about Southerners getting made fun of too. Not
The Blogfia...I lurve it Princes, which totally kicks it up a notch from just loving it.
Awesome! I need to set up my blog for your Blogfia :D
Oh I totally grabbed the button! Love it!
I'm getting your button soon as I get home! I need to sic you on Dell and their outrageous interest on my computer I've been paying on half my life!
LMAO!! What a great button!! But it's so true. We all rally for each other, and that is AWESOME.
Drop the gun....grab the cannoli.
I've a wicked good recipe for cannolis if anyone wants it. Perks to marrying into 'the family'.....ahem....
Cute button
Haha! Awesome button! I have it posted on my blog, proudly. Glad to be part of "da family."
Thanks for mentioning Kodi! :) You're the best!!!
I'm in! Who effed with my Meeko????
Ok I missed yesterday's post and I wil lhave to go back but I am grabbing that button lol. period. cause I am all on ya like white on rice ya mess with my family.. I will cuss you like a dog without ever cussing..
Bahahaha I love it!! Going to add that button RIGHT NOW!!!
I lvoe it and it is so true I am getting the button....I am more like Jr. Blogfia but I still love you all =)
So many of us have never met yet we got each other's backs. This is definitely going up on my blog!
Not only am I grabbing the button, I am adding you to my blogroll. You freakin rock, your majesty!!!!
OMG I love it! I'm so glad you got the button to work with minimal help from me today. Dang baby just wouldn't sleep. He got offended and cried when I stopped rocking him. lol
Hilarious! I love it...and I am stealing one of those buttons (which is perfect, because stealing is so Mafia)
Oh, I love it and am grabbing your button! :)
Girl, all about this! I am, after all, the one who started twitter war on Colorado Pen after he was mean to fellow mama blogger! woo hoo!
Love Love Love it! And since one would never ever steal anything, I'm liberating the button and giving it top billing on my blog. Thank you Godmother. If I were closer I ask to kiss the tiara.
So true.
Grabbing the button!!
I am grabbin' it Princess! :)
LOVE THE BUTTON! and the car salesman thing was outrageous!
I come back for the button..see ya!
Princess that button is so freakin' awesome! Love it!
I have no idea how I ended up on your blog. I was like clicking and clicking and then....well here I am. I totally love your button. ;)
I love it!!!
Grabbed the button!!
YYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! I am SO sending you dark chocolate. Hate the crap anyway.
But that is not why, it is because i luv ya.
ooh ooh... I'm totally in... I got called a smelly c#$# because I commented on Dual Mom's starter penis post. What I think is hilarious is dude that subsequently visited every person who commented blogs and let a comment calling them a "c#$!" he has now removed his blog and profile from blogger so no one can see it... that's the power of the blogfia... i wonder if he'll wake up with a horse head in his bed next?
I love this! I'm grabbin' the button right now!
Love it! Grabbed the button, clicked follow. We do have to stick together!
LOVE IT! I am so putting this on my blog! So glad I found a new blog to stalk! LOL
Cool Idea.
I am pretty sure you stole this idea from Lucky Luciano.
late to the game but i LOVES IT.
ur best yet.. supahmommy material :)
Just so yall heard it from me... i went to Think Tanks blog and here is my comment about the Gregory J incident: I google cached it and what he did is wrong and the C word is way worse than the F word. I too was a member of the blogfia but i took it off my page because I don't believe in Cyberbullying by either party. I am seeing this going on a lot lately. Two wrongs don't make a right. I don't condone his behavior and that is a potty sailor mouth (i believe he was a sailor) but the outright attacks are vicious and a mob mentality. I don't want to be a part of that. If I lose followers over it.. thats okay but i do feel I have to say something.
I feel i have a strong enough relationship with all of you that we will still be bloggy buddies
Princess thank you for taking the time to write me and assure this is not what the Blogfia is about. I should have written you personally. We are better friends than that.
I love this! I am adding it to my blog now, but can I please dress like I'm from NJ??I love me some Jersey Shore.
I found this on another blog. thought I was suppose to save it and post it. When I right clicked it.. a little sign came up that said..
I about peed myself laughing..
so, now I have one.. but I want it to say that when they right click it.. that was just to funny
I'm loving this button, just did a post in support of Erin at the Motherload and Arizona Mamma so if it's okay, I'm grabbing the button :)
Love it, Love it!!!!
Now where do I pick up my gun?
IN! = D
LOVE it honey! And now I have that line from RHNJ in my head "we're thick as thieves"...hell yeah we are.
On my blog. In a post I just wrote. You? Are the bomb!
Love it and grab it! I loved how some many blogger came together to support Erin the other day!
Oh no, really? People complained to you about it? I only posted a post-it note and really didn't care if I got a was an opener to a new bathing suit :)
I have no idea how I even managed to get here (it involved about a gajillion sites that have something to do with you somewhere) but I am SO glad I found this post! I was a little confused LOL
I am so adding this to my profile!
Hahaha. Greatest concept ever? Love it. Taking it, ma'am. :)
Love it! I'm in!
I lovvvveeee this!
I'm putting the button on my blog now!
I joined. I don't have alot of money, but I guess every word, thought and prayer counts!
I know I'm late to the party, but can I still join?
love it....can
I still join.....
I love it! Have the button on my blog!
Hi, I grabbed this awesome button and I am now a follower of yours! Awesome blog!
Love it....grabbed and added it to my blog!
Coming in late, but that's how I roll anyway.......I'm sticking this button on my blog right now!
LOVE your blog. This button is absolutely hysterical! I am adding it to my page now.
I'm also one of your newest followers!!
I landed here after clicking on the Blogfia button on anothers blog. Love this! I'm grabbing the button and adding you to my google reader (I guess that makes me not only one of the blogfia, but a follower)
I'm grabbing the button! This is a great way to show "outsiders" that we're all a close knit family and that we're nobody to mess with! Great idea!
Love it! I'm your newest follower! Love the blog! Check out my blog if you're bored.
I CRAZY love this idea!
Don't forget to "...take the cannoli, leave the gun..." -The Godfather
BTW...Does this make you the new Godmother?
LOL! :)
Whatever you are doing is GREAT!
I will keep an eye out for assignments.
Oh I fucking LOVE this!
I love the blog chick...
Although I am EXTREMELY diappointed that I don't get to whack anyone or at the very least kick the shit out anybody...
Just found your blog through....ummmm....I have no idea. But this is an awesome idea! As usual though I am late to the blogfia (thats just cause I rock that much) - but I am here!
Thanks for the button;-)
Jeanette Huston
Just found your blog and LOVE it! Became a follower and am now putting the button on my blog, what a cool idea!
Have a great weekend,
joust found your blog by the button! I LOVE this idea and I am putting it up on mine! I also am adding you in google reader too!!!
I just found your blog via SupahMommy. Not only am I one of your newest followers, but I'm jumping in to the Blogfia, as well!
This is awesome! I put the button up now
Ooh, this makes me feel so tough :p
Just found your blog and I love it! Totally following you now and I grabbed the blogophia button!
I don't remember how I got here, but I just found your blog and its GREAT! I'll be following, so you keep posting. Best, Green Monkey
I'm here from GunDiva's place and SOOOOO putting this button on my blog!
Ok- I'll let the Jersey slam slide- because I have family who moved to MS and the south does get teased mercilessly. BUT- most of NJ is suburban, fairly white bread unlike expectations, and does not resemble a BonJovi video. And "Jersey Shore" is shot in the skankiest part of the Shore w/ skanks from NY. So anywho-- will be tagging my blog w/the button. Good, bad, or indifferent- even the WASPiest of Jersey Girls like me has heard of the power of La Famiglia. ; )
i've been seeing this around!! Definitely putting it up on my blog!!!
This is great! I putting it up:) Love this!
This is great!
I'm new to the blogosphere so I'm not quite confident enough to put the button on my blog yet but one day soon I hope to join the ranks of the Blogfia!
I'm your newest follower.
This is so super cute! I seriously have to have it on my blog. Since I'm snagging it I'm gonna follow you too, cause it's only right. hehe (=
Yay! Now I get to be a member of the Blogfia, awesome!
I want in! LOL I pledge my loyalty to the "fam".
I have seen your Blogfia button on a few blogs and decided to check it out. Glad I did, Iam your newest follower. Love the tiara and boa. Every good princess needs a tiara.
Together we can make a diff!
Love it, thanks!
Sweet! I'm in!
buahaha!!! I'm in!
I grabbed the button. So now I am a member. I am glad I don't have to kill anyone or do anything bad. I try to be good.(Ha Ha)
I am Grabbing The Button And Following you as well. Being new to blogging, it will be great to have some hard core bloggers behind me!! Thanks
Of course if blog-utopia existed it would HAVE to be a mafia! I wanna be a gangstah too! I am snagging this cool ass badge-y-oh and slapping it up right now on my blog. Are you the awesome person who thought of this?
COOL!!! I'm your newest follower...
*sigh* finding a new blog to love is like the same sensation post "O".
Thank you very much for this helpful post. I am now your follower and I will display your button on my blog too. Cheers!
I love it..thanks being a princess and all to this is awesome!!!
I'm stealing it now. Loving your blog more and more all the time!
i LOVES the blogfia! joining up and adding the button to my blog!
I think I've been acting like I am a member of the blogfia all along. Now I'm making it official.
Blogfia! What a great idea!
I'm your newest follower!
LOVE this idea!!!! I'm grabbing this button, and I never grab them lol
You have a new stalker! I am proud to be part of "The Family"
Okay so I already creep on your blog regularly via feeds, but yeah, like I love the button and I am SO in "da family" with ya!
Count me in! :-)
I just stumbled across your blog.. love it!! count me in
Hey! Nice touch. I've got it now on my blog.
Bunch of sickos
Hateful, vulgar, sanctimonious, hypocritical, self righteous.
Isn't there already too much of that in the world?
You think you're fighting it?
No, you're spreading it.
I am often amazed by the power of the blogs.
It's such a unique force.
I love it and I am from NJ! I am using it on my blog!
Been a lurker for awhile, just stumbled across this.
Y'all may not know me, but I know how important support from other people can be.
If any of you need a wise-cracking girl from the midwest (who may or may not be able to control her sarcasm at any given point in time), give me a yell :)
I like your work a lot - stand up for friends - love this.
But I have to tell you that I am "blogfia" and have been long before you started to use it. You could have googled it before choosen it. I am "blogfia" on twitter and many other places on Internet as:
Good luck with your work!
Wishing you all the best :)
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