My son is leaving to go on his very first overnight field trip bright and early in the morning.
He's so excited.
He's finally a big boy. *tear*
I am not going with him. *more tears*
No...not because I'm letting him go off to the big city by himself without a parent...(see, I'm not a helicopter parent.) <---lie, lie, lie...but I'm working on it.
Hmmm....maybe I'll use Chief's "What I Meant to Say" to tell the full story.
When my oldest heir said he wanted his daddy to chaperone his overnight field trip to my most favorite city in the south east...
What I said: "Oh, okay. You guys will have lots of fun. Do you want to take my camera?"
What I meant to say: "WHAT?! You don't want ME to chaperone you?!! I've suffered through every boring stinking field trip to the pumpkin patch, etc. and now that you are going somewhere I love with all my heart, you want your FATHER to go?! Who in the heck is going to take pictures? And by pictures, I mean of something other than your father's fat fingers! Bitter? No. I'm not bitter!" <---complete and utter lie
And then when my youngest heir cried himself to sleep because he would "have no one to play with"....
What I said: "Sure you will sweetheart. Mommy will be here. And you can invite your buddy "J" over to play both days."
What I meant to say: "WTH?! Am I not good enough to kick your tail play you in Uno? Oh, maybe I won't have time since I'll be boiling a few dozen eggs for the big Easter party I'm planning after the egg hunt in your class on Thursday. Yeah, poor you. No one will be home to pay attention to you AT ALL!!"
When did I become chopped liver?
Oh yeah, now I remember....

They come back to you, I promise..
A boy and his momma, there is nothing else like it!
awww thats so sad!! I would kinda be upset too.. I can only imagine the contest me & my DH will get into once my lil one starts school LOL!!
Hmm.. now im reconsidering signing B up for Tball.. I cant lose him just yet haha
I take solace in Chief's words. My little guy is growing up way too fast for my liking. He still gives me kisses and holds my hand, but I know those days are waning fast.
Awwwww, I am glad you explained though, because the helicopter mom I am was sitting over here going "WHAT???????? No you, no daddy, nothing?" I was wondering how the heck I was going to do that one day. I know how now. I will give daddy just very slightly raw chicken so he doesn't feel well enough to go!
aawww...they want their daddy!
As my daughter is only six, I choose to believe nothing that you have written here. In my world your children have picked you to go to the field trip, and you to play with them. Then they made you sweet presents to thank you for all the work you did on said field trip and Easter Egg prep. Yes. This is what I believe.
When my daughter gets older, I may come cry on your shoulder. Be prepared!
It's a sad sad day when they pick Daddy over us huh?
My youngest always picks me, cause he is just like me. All the others? Yeah...chopped liver anyone?
But they always want me when they are sick. ALWAYS. And I have to say, that's when they are the sweetest and most vulnerable. Hey, I will take what I can get, I ain't too proud!
My oldest will pick his dad sometimes... But most of the time they ALL pick me, for now anyways. Im sure I'll be chopped liver soon though.
I try to savour EVERY cuddle and kiss from my 5 y/o twins, as I know that one day they'll become rationed out...
Well I wish mine would sometimes choose Daddy over me.. Oh wait that would reauire him being home before they are in bed.. Although Daddy is the designated driver's ed teacher lol
I still remember dragging a screaming, crying friend home after dropping her firstborn off on her first school trip... it was embarassing for the child and me ;0)
Buddy has always been a daddy's boy, but I have my Buster, at least for now. I will cry just like you when that changes.
I'm chopped liver too!! So I gots no smooth comforting words for ya P!
I'm chopped liver to everyone but my 2 yr old. At the rate he is growing up, it won't last long :(
Sobs! My little boy is just 2, but I can't stand the thought that someday he'll do an overnight trip. Without me!!! :(
Move aside momma, you are no longer needed. :)
They love you too.......sometimes. LOL
I was kidding by the way. There REALLY needs to be a sarcasm font!!!! :)
AND don't forget the grueling 17 intense hours of labor you were in too!!!
I am even lower than chopped liver and my child is a girl! Everyone keeps telling me the tide will turn... hope your hubby gets some pics!
My kids from the beginning preferred my husband...he's the "fun" one. But they come to me when they need reassurance :). I'm good with that.
But I'd definitely give him one less piece of bacon for choosing dad over me to go on a fun field trip!
Sounds like your husband and mine have a few things in common with their daughters ;-)
My time at chopped liver is coming--I'm not looking forward to it.
Sounds like my six year old. Luckily I console myself with my four year old who is still a happy momma's boy.
My boy's have dumped me for Baseball and their daddy too ~sigh~
I'd have tagged along anyway. They couldn't stop me. I am a helicopter mom. (maybe. sorta.)
I feel your pain. Trust me! It's even worse when they become teenagers and want to go LIVE with their dad instead of living with you... ~sob~
Everyone tells me it'll turn around too, so LET'S GO WITH THAT!! :)
its our post cessy
its like our "song"
i feel like you just played journey for me and asked me to slow dance
ull nevah be chopped livah to me
and WTF PRINCE???????????
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