Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Skew - American Idol

This week on....THE SKEW!! 

American Idol

Who’s your early pick? Do you like the addition of Ellen? Will you miss Simon next year? Why doesn’t Ryan Seacrest go ahead and come out of Lance Bass’s closet?

Give us your Skew and link up.


I don't even know if I can type this post out.

I am my stomach....

I have marshmallowitis.

I think it might be deadly.

If you have no clue what I'm talking about....look at the post below this one.

First off, let me say that I do not miss Paula Abdul one iota. And I don't think I would miss Kara if she ran off to rehab Bora Bora with ol' flap yer hands like a seal Paula either.

And Ellen started off flat. She was BORING the first week. This week was a bit better. I think she thought she was there for real musical critique., you are there to make fun of Simon and Ryan...and Randy if he wears that sweater again! 

What the heck?! When did Mister Rogers come out with a clothing line?

Anyidol, (did that annoy you MIITB?) I wonder if I'm the only one who notices the tension between Ellen and Simon? You would think they would want those two sitting beside each other so that they could feed off each other's personalities. I guess Simon tried to ride Ellen's Portia. *insert rim shot*

Who will they get to take Simon's place next year? mememememememe!! I heard rumor that Perez Hilton's name has been thrown around. I bet Ryan will be sweating bullets if that happens. He won't be able to try to pretend he's straight funny anymore. 

Now...on to the contestants:

Big Mike Lynch: I love him and his teddy bear demeanor.

Alex Lambert: Great performance. Bad mullet.

Todrick Hall: Three thumbs down.

Jermaine Sellers: WTH?! Did you see his post performance diatribe? Watch somewhere after the 5:30 mark.

Andrew Garcia: I bet he got his neck tattooed to keep from getting his hiney kicked on the playground because of his coke bottle Drew Carey glasses. This week was a bit lame, but I became a fan when he gave us his rendition of "Straight Up" which was originally murdered sung by Paula Abdrool.

Lee Dewyze: I'll take a slice of that. 

And now for the girlz...

Crystal Bowersox: I am so happy they changed the whole show up for her found a way to make it work so that she could perform this week. She's amazing. I've liked her from the very beginning. I hope she is truly okay and that her diabetes will not keep her from finishing out the competition. That would be a real Chris Daughtry Shakespearean tragedy.

Haley Vaughn: Disappointed me. She's got a big voice....and a lithp like Thupah. <-----that is for saying ugly things about me to @shannonleetweed last night. I told you I would get revenge.
Katie Stevens: How old is she?! 13?! 84?! She's a youngin' with the soul of an oldin'. A-Maze-ing!

Didi Benami and Lilly Scott both have very interesting voices. 

Siobhan Magnus...someone needs to peel her skin back and make sure she's white. She might just be Aretha's daughter. Just sayin'...

So here are my picks for top 3...

Crystal Bowersox

Lee Dewyze

And either Big Mike or Andrew Garcia

The first two for pure, raw incredible talent...the last two for talent and likability. 

Of course, you might not want to listen to me. I didn't even pick Kris Allen to make it to the top 10 last year. But then again, I'm not an 8 year old girl with a crazy-text-to-vote finger either. Maybe American Idol should start coming on later after all the tweens are in bed. I'm off to write a letter to my congressman and see if we can make that happen....

We hope you've enjoyed this weeks episode of The Skew.  Be sure to link up with your thoughts!
1. MIITB  4. supah   7. Cassie @ My Life With Kids  
2. Princess of Sarcasm  5. Mommy's Daze  8. Angie @ My Junk Drawer  
3. Lindsay @ Kids Are Teachers  6. Jenn @ She Says...  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Curious said...

lmfao.. maybe we should all read each others posts before posting them... we wrote basically the EXACT same thing.. at the exact same time frame

how does that make you feel? being on the same wave length as MIITB lmfao? urs was way funnier though.. and i missed the sweater.. good call

and yes.. it annoyed me

Curious said...

ok so i just read what i actually posted.. forgot i took out all the stuff about ellen not being acknowledged by anyone other than randy.. and the big space between kara and ellen.. and its like randy and ellen vs kara and simon... so yea.. our posts arent alike lmfao

and big mike wont make it past 5th and garcia is choking, unless he turns it around he'll be gone before mike. sibohan or whatever will be in the top 3.

so i obv need to go to bed now... goodnight

Oka said...

am I the only person who never watches?

Unknown said...

I'm with MIITB...Siobhan's got it. Big Mike and Andrew Garcia (while I like them both a lot) are floundering and won't make it very far on likability alone.

Oka, yes. You are alone. :) j/k There are several people here in my office who look at me like a crack addict on the corner when I mention Idol.

supahmommy- somethin's wrong with that girl said...


the sweater killed me


Kmama said...

LOL at the sweater!!

I watch it, but I've been blogging while it's on or doing the damn dance off stuff. I need to get with the program and get serious so I can make my picks.

Siobhan is weird. Simon's right. LIke really immature or something.

Shell said...

I haven't been watching. But, I love your take on it.

Princess to replace Simon!!!!

Cassie said...

I agree that Ellen should be on for comic relief. It isn't as if sh'e giving original performance critiques. And you're totally right about Randy's sweater.

Unknown said...

I didn't even notice Randy's sweater... what was he thinking? Not sure if that's worse, or that fact that Simon wears T-Shirts he's had for 20 years. He's a BILLIONAIRE - why can't he buy a decent t-shirt?

And Cara is practically in Simon's lap to get away from Ellen. Is she worried she'll be hit on by Ellen? I think she lost her mind when Paula left!

Brandice said...

Loved the sweater comment. Seriously, is he wearing blue Keds too?

I watched your marshmallowitis video. You should totally win. Lipstick or not.

Tina said...

I was just tellin' Supah I don't watch TV...unless I am wide awake at 2 AM and I watch mass amounts of Hoarders and Intervention...can't get enough of those.

Lothiriel said...

You know, I thought it would be more interesting with Ellen, but I agree! It's too dry! :(

I haven't been watching. It's sad.

I want to start next week, but I do like the show.

Anonymous said...

I dont watch American Idol. So I dont really have anything interesting to add.

But that sweater IS awful!!

Ed said...

I love Idol, but I only watch on Wednesdays because of LOST.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

I'll write my congressman as well. This needs to be addressed. STAT and stuff.

AiringMyLaundry said...

LOL yes, Randy does wear some strange clothes that's for sure.