Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Twitter Twaffic Exchange with Yo! Tweeps

This is all about following and meeting some new twitter friends.  It'll be fast, easy and in yo face.  So many people enjoyed it last time!

Image courtesy of  on August 20, 2009 by Dave Mott

Follow me by clicking the sign below.
Twitter Icon


To play along and increase your twitter twaffic do the following:

1.   Follow the first  5  Twitter Twaffic hosts listed on  the linky.   Netiquette and courtesy!   They'll reciprocate your love on twitter!

2.  MAKE A BLOG POST LIKE I  am doing.   Copy and Paste these directions.

3.  Grab the YO Tweeps  Twaffic Exchange Button pictured below.   Put him in your post.

(He's so cute. Put him on your sidebar too if you're that kinda girl.  Netiquette... not a hairspray ;)  lol )

Encourage your readers to come to our page and grab the button too !

5.  Put  YOUR OWN  twitter icon / link on your blog post like I did. It should directly link to your TWITTER PROFILE.  ( there are directions below if you need)

6.  Now link up your post below in the linky!

7.  Visit some other #YOtweeps linkers on the list.

8.  Follow them if you choose and shout out to them on twitter  that you are following so they can instantly follow you if they're on. (Follow their blog as well if you're interested.)

@personsname #yotweeps  I'm following! 

9. If someone follows you JUST reciprocate on twitter.  It's that easy.

Join in the fun and grab the code to paste the linky in your own site !

(You might have to actually type it in. Or you can try the one at the bottom. Whatever works for you.)

Spread the word.  WE'LL BE BACK every week TO DO THIS AGAIN!

p.s. is AWESOME and makes this game of twitter SO MUCH EASIER and fun.

How to make a twitter ICON: 

*  here are some twitter icon sites  ( WHERE TO GET THE COOL TWITTER PICS)..

 FIND ONE...  that you like. 

Download it and put your name on it with a site like photobucket, , photoshop, paint etc.    

Then upload  it to your blog post and link your twitter profile to it directly!  

I'm expecting this thing to spread so fast....the CDC will add it to their list of infectious diseases. So drink your orange juice and stock up on chicken soup. You might also want to get some twitterbiotics.

Now go............follow and be followed. 

If you don't already have Twitter....join the party! We hazing. 

This THURSDAY on  :

NETIQUETTE:  it's not a hairspray.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Shell said...

Sorry, I just switched out your button. My kids actually slept in, so I just got up! But, I fixed it. said...

ok - I am LOVING looking at all of the twitter buttons :)


Jessica said...

WHAT?! You couldn't find a Twitter button with a boa and a crown on it?! :)